Sandy's Watercolor Classes are fun, lighthearted and enriching, whether doing 6 Step Sketching, working wet-into-wet on traditional cotton rag or on nonabsorbant, synthetic Yupo paper. Classes are offered at her Tabernacle, NJ based studio, at *your location and online and are geared to the individual needs and interests of students.
Materials for Watercolor Painting & 6 Step Sketching
*Material List for Sandy's Live Classes - 74# Yupo paper, 70# Strathmore 300 Series *Drawing Pad, 140# Arches Coldpress
Pencils HB, 2B, 4B & 2H, Kneaded eraser, Mars Plastic Eraser, pencil sharpener, spray bottle, mixing dish and/or *small round covered palette, Watercolor brushes (rounds - # 2, 4, 6, 8 & Flat - 3/4 or 1"), Tubes preferred (or pans OK) / suggested - DaVinci, Blick, Utrecht
We'll be working with a limited palette, so you'll only need 3 colors!
Cadmium Yellow or Gamboge, Ultramarine Blue (Medium hue), Alizarin Crimson (or Perm. Rose)
Plus Chinese White - for working on Yupo and Ivory Black for our 6 Steps Sketching
A variety of my favorite brushes and small palettes are now available on my Amazon Store.
Pencils HB, 2B, 4B & 2H, Kneaded eraser, Mars Plastic Eraser, pencil sharpener, spray bottle, mixing dish and/or *small round covered palette, Watercolor brushes (rounds - # 2, 4, 6, 8 & Flat - 3/4 or 1"), Tubes preferred (or pans OK) / suggested - DaVinci, Blick, Utrecht
We'll be working with a limited palette, so you'll only need 3 colors!
Cadmium Yellow or Gamboge, Ultramarine Blue (Medium hue), Alizarin Crimson (or Perm. Rose)
Plus Chinese White - for working on Yupo and Ivory Black for our 6 Steps Sketching
A variety of my favorite brushes and small palettes are now available on my Amazon Store.
The supplies shown below are my current choice for a larger palette. This photo was taken after a thorough cleaning and a total palette makeover. Follow the link to see this process. Pictured is a paint tube wringer, bristle brush, butter knife, water and pliers (to pry off caps and squeeze the last splotch of paint from tube). You will also need plenty of paper towels, water and a spray bottle.
Palette Colors from top left clockwise.....
Cobalt Blue - Nice medium blue - has white in it
Cobalt Violet - Nice non-staining violet - has white in it
*Cadmium Red
*Alizarin Crimson
Ivory Black
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Naples Yellow
*Titanium White - using this on Yupo
*Lemon or Hansa Yellow
*Gamboge - nice bright color - instead of Cadmium Yellow
Olive Green - Lukas
Hooker's Green Dark
Phthalo Green
Turquoise - Lukas
*Phthalo Blue
*Ultramarine Blue
* Colors most used - Usually DaVinci, Blick or Utrecht - Click the link below to order from Blick Art Materials online.
Cobalt Blue - Nice medium blue - has white in it
Cobalt Violet - Nice non-staining violet - has white in it
*Cadmium Red
*Alizarin Crimson
Ivory Black
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Naples Yellow
*Titanium White - using this on Yupo
*Lemon or Hansa Yellow
*Gamboge - nice bright color - instead of Cadmium Yellow
Olive Green - Lukas
Hooker's Green Dark
Phthalo Green
Turquoise - Lukas
*Phthalo Blue
*Ultramarine Blue
* Colors most used - Usually DaVinci, Blick or Utrecht - Click the link below to order from Blick Art Materials online.
My large palette is a covered Robert E. Wood. When not painting for a couple of days, I uncover, spritz the paint with water, let it breathe for a while, respritz then recover.
About Pigments
My color choices have changed recently due to working on Yupo paper. I am now using more pigments with white in them as they seem to bind to the synthetic paper better.
I prefer DaVinci and Blick brand tube watercolors for their consistency, quality and price but I have also used Windsor and Newton, American Journey and Lukas.
About Pigments
My color choices have changed recently due to working on Yupo paper. I am now using more pigments with white in them as they seem to bind to the synthetic paper better.
I prefer DaVinci and Blick brand tube watercolors for their consistency, quality and price but I have also used Windsor and Newton, American Journey and Lukas.
Sandy's Amazon Store • Watercolor Supply List • Alcohol Ink Supply List
See Sandy's small watercolor palette here.
Watercolor Classes • Alcohol Ink Classes • Drawing Classes
See Sandy's small watercolor palette here.
Watercolor Classes • Alcohol Ink Classes • Drawing Classes